Pedestal Vs. Pyramid

March 6, 2021

Some men put their women on a pedestal to keep our feet too far from the ground for us to put them down and move in our own direction. It’s not out of love or adoration. It’s a thinly veiled imprisonment. Our own two feet are far more solid than the pedestal that got kicked out from under us. But they weren’t planning on that, were they? They thought they made us. They thought we needed them. They actually told us that we had everything we did because of them. Well, ain’t that some shit?! Just wait. Wait until we strip away all ties from you. Wait until we drop your name and show ourselves who we really are. Wait until we are happy. Wait until we are successful. Wait until we have more friends. We have more fun. We have more joy. We have more money. We have more time to travel. We can pursue hobbies. We can read a book in bed without being farted on. Wait, oh just wait, until we find love. A genuine, sincere love. What happens then? I’ll tell you, my queens. What happens is they call us phoney. They call us liars. They call us manipulative and they spread lies. Because they thought we would crash and burn. They actually hoped for it. But that’s not how we roll. Who needs an unsteady pedestal when the alternative is a pyramid? All of us that were disposed of at one time or another know our roles. Sometimes we are the base, lifting up our sisters. Other times we are in the middle, climbing to find where we belong. And sometimes we are at the top, needing the most support but seeing that happiness is possible again. Look down at those supporting you, ladies. Thank them for the hugs, the phone calls, the nights on the couch in pajamas with a bottle of wine. Thank them for babysitting, for covering your shift at work, for helping you move. They want you to look out from the top and see the beauty all around, to see the potential of everything that lies ahead. They want you to see THEM, to know they support you. So that, when you climb back down and start moving on, you’ll understand that the most gratifying place to be is down at the base, ready to lift the next one of our sisters who needs a reminder that being on a pedestal is not what she thought it was. It’s lonely up there.

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  • Reply Paul Henck March 6, 2021 at 7:23 pm

    Kris, this is awesome. I am so proud of the person that I always knew you would be. I love you dearly . Dad

  • Reply jeanjac202 December 7, 2022 at 11:39 am

    Beautifully stated!!!

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